He has appointed Him as the Heir of everything, and we’re co-heirs with Him. His position as Heir and the inheritance He will share with us is the subject of God’s speaking. This is God’s speaking, not man’s. When He said: “Let there be light,” that speaking was the Word which was Christ Himself. This speaking is backed by the Highest authority!
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made." John 1:1-3
Purged Sins
The purging of our sins is past tense, and He emphasizes that it is a finished work. He purged them Himself. We could not deal with sin. Only He could purge them, and after He did so, He sat down. It is finished!
Reigning in life
He has incarnated, He’s become a man, lived a human life that was perfectly righteous. Because of that righteousness, He was qualified for resurrection.
"Now, through This Man's obedience, grace, righteousness and life come to eventually cause us to reign in life." (Rom 5:17)
And through His incarnation, human living, death, resurrection and ascension, He glorified Humanity and uplifted it to that place that He enjoyed – the status that He had in His divinity.
You can bet your sins have been purged. God declares it in His Speaking!
Read the book Here ???? Hebrews, a book for the church.