
Soteriological implicaitons of “another justification”

Without allowing for the historical context given to us in Acts and Galatians, which clearly shows us the theological problems that were happening in Jerusalem and what was being taught there erroneously, and treating James’ letter as an apostolic document (he was not an apostle!) rather than a historical/wisdom document that should be included in […]

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Hebrews – Msg #21 “Edification Being a Matter of ‘Eternal Weight'”

Outline I. Introduction A. Overview of the concept of building and edification in the Bible B. Significance of Christ as Apostle and High Priest of the Church II. Building up believers for the habitation of God A. Role of believers in the building process (Hebrews 3:6, Galatians 2:20) B. Manifestation of Christ within believers (2

Hebrews – Msg #21 “Edification Being a Matter of ‘Eternal Weight'” Read More »

God’s “worthless” trophies

Discover the true meaning behind the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11. These “worthless trophies” were not just motivated by blind obedience, but by a singular, cumulative vision of God’s promise centered in Christ. Learn how Abraham’s faith embodies this vision and why it’s important to understand the true vision of faith for a fulfilling Christian life.

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How could righteousness have been of faith in the Old Testament when they did works and lived under the law?

Learn about righteousness by faith in the Old Testament and how it was obtained apart from works. Sacrifices and other works were a testimony of the righteousness already obtained by faith, and justification always came through faith apart from works. Works were simply a sign of righteousness, not the means of obtaining it. Faith changes the course of one’s life, and people in the Old Testament lived by a vision in faith. Discover more about this topic and supporting verses in this informative article.

How could righteousness have been of faith in the Old Testament when they did works and lived under the law? Read More »

How do we know we love the brethren?

Learn about loving the brethren and recognizing them as fellow believers in Christ who have been justified by faith and made children of God. This love is demonstrated through action and is a reflection of God’s love for us. Cain’s hatred for Abel stemmed from his refusal to acknowledge God’s way of justifying sinners, and instead insisted on works righteousness. To love the brethren is to acknowledge them as God’s children, in contrast to the antichrists who hate the brethren and do not recognize the children of God. Explore more about Christ’s righteousness and its significance in our lives at Christians Need the Gospel.

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How does the Bible teach that righteousness has always been by faith apart from works, even in the Old Testament?

Discover how the Bible teaches that righteousness has always been by faith apart from works, even in the Old Testament. The Apostle Paul emphasizes this point in his letters to the Galatians and Romans, citing examples of Old Testament figures who were justified by faith alone, such as Abraham and David. Paul also explains that justification and imputed righteousness come through faith, regardless of whether one is under the Law or not. This truth applies to both the age of the body of Christ and the Patriarchs and fathers, as evidenced by the examples given in Romans 4:23-25. Ultimately, it is faith in Christ that secures right standing with God, never a mix of faith and works.

How does the Bible teach that righteousness has always been by faith apart from works, even in the Old Testament? Read More »

How does the gospel reveal the righteousness of God?

Discover how the Gospel reveals the righteousness of God through the redemptive work of Christ. The Gospel testifies to Christ’s death and resurrection, which demonstrate God’s righteousness in reconciling sinners to Himself. Christ’s redemption is righteous because it satisfies all the demands of the law, and He has been granted authority to execute judgment and grant life. Explore the biblical concepts presented in this article and gain a fuller understanding of Christ as our righteousness.

How does the gospel reveal the righteousness of God? Read More »

Is “Preaching the Gospel” to yourself Just Repeating a Mantra?

Learn about the importance of preaching the Gospel to yourself in this informative article. Discover how the Gospel is not just a one-time event for salvation, but an ongoing source of power and assurance in your relationship with Christ. Explore the significance of the Gospel, including its role as the power of God unto salvation, the source of our confidence, and our inheritance as children of God. Find practical tips for preaching the Gospel to yourself, such as constantly reminding yourself of its message and recognizing its ongoing power in your life. Don’t miss out on the importance of this daily practice for your Christian life.

Is “Preaching the Gospel” to yourself Just Repeating a Mantra? Read More »

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