Growing in Grace

The Christian life is a growth journey. We are growing in the full knowledge of God, and growing in the knowledge of His grace. This journey involves unlearning as much as it inolves learning – we unlearn everything the natural man has grown to think about God’s nature and Character, and we also have to unlearn all of the teachings of religion that have taken the blessings and gifts of the gospel and turned them into demands and requirements! As this unloading process occurs, we also grow in the knowledge of the grace in which we now stand!

When God holds your nose to make you drink:

“The flesh is untrainable. It’s like a wild ass. According to Galatians 4, the flesh is like Ishmael, a bondservant that’s always trying to work for a wage and persecute the children of promise, and it’s eventually cast out. And remember, Ishmael was a wild ass of a man, and his hand was against all […]

When God holds your nose to make you drink: Read More »

Progressive sanctification does not exist

The word ‘sanctification’ has become another one of those words that makes people uncomfortable, like ‘repent’, where it needs to be defined otherwise legalistic definitions automatically spring to mind and weigh you down. I read an article on sanctification yesterday and it was full of requirements, burdens, unrealistic expectations and false doctrine. I think what

Progressive sanctification does not exist Read More »

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