Joy and Peace

We’re created to be hungry and thirsty for the riches of the good land, but if we’re not satisfied, we’ll be hungry for other things as well. What we need is our thirst to be satisfied, and the water from the rock is what satisfies. 

We need Christ, and no one should call you rebellious or tell you that you’re in sin because you struggle with different desires if you’re not fulfilling them outwardly and living proudly in your sin. 

There’s no reason to be condemning people.

You need to minister life. We are beaten sheep on the way to the “inn,” and our Good Samaritan is going to put oil and wine in our wounds, nourish us with Himself and strengthen us.  

Walking in The Spirit

What does it mean to walk according to the Spirit? It means to be filled with the Spirit, to drink of Jesus, and to be satisfied with the living water to quench your thirst. This is not just once and for all, but every day. Every day I really need to drink of Jesus. God has different ways to remind me of Him. He has a High Priest for me. In my weakness, he’s interceding for me. 

"If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." Galatians 5:25

No law against The Spirit

When we are walking in the Spirit, there’s no law against it, and the fruit is there. There is thanksgiving in our hearts, Christ is making home our hearts, we’ve sanctified the Lord our hearts, and we are ready to give an answer to whoever is asking us. We are happy, and we’ve got joy and peace.

Read the book Here ???? Christ as Satisfaction

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