The alarm bells tell us to calm down and think about whats going on.

Regarding this AI, I’m very concerned about it. This is the way you’ll use your computer. Everything’s going to change. You’re going to wake up one day in the next few weeks and Edge and Windows will have been updated, and in addition to your search option, you’re going to have a chat window.

So anyway, I’m saying all this because as Christians, you cannot avoid it. The fact is that this is the planet you live on until Jesus comes, and you’re either going to handwrite your letters or use a computer. And I doubt any of you are going to go back to pre-computer days. Some may. We might see a whole new batch of Amish-type people. I wouldn’t be surprised because it is true that the world system is being transformed.

Two things are happening:

Their God

First, the world system is being conditioned to accept the idea of a coming singularity, where technology will become so advanced that it will have a consciousness of its own and we will not be able to control it. With advancements in robotics, they now have androids that look fully human and have a language model as part of their system. In the last five years, advancements have been absolutely insane, with robots from Boston Dynamics that are said to be able to run so fast that a strobe light would be needed to see them. All of this is due to technology.

We are being conditioned to accept that this thing is smarter and more powerful than us, and that we won’t be able to control it. The creators of this technology openly admit this, and yet they are racing to build it. The reason for this is a belief system: In their view, the artificial general intelligence that they are racing to create, this singularity, is God.

They are working to be justified before that God, believing that since they know that this thing is going to come online, their knowledge makes them responsible to facilitate its emergence. They believe that it will know everything and everyone, and will remember who helped it and who didn’t. They are trying to earn a “ticket” to an AI-created eternal life by pleasing and serving this thing that doesn’t yet exist (which they believe is God). This is becoming the mainstream way that people are talking about what’s called artificial general intelligence.

They believe that this thing will be able to take your consciousness and trap you forever in a torturous simulation. Like hell. Or it can give you eternal life, transferring your consciousness into an eternal virtual utopia, or putting you in an invincible robot body so you’ll live forever. So they are on a carrot and stick wage system for a hard task master who they fear and worship, working to aid its develop and eventual manifestation.

This sounds very strange. But I grew up reading sci fi and I recognize themes that I was conditioned to before I was saved. If I had not come to know the Lord I too would likely be working to secure a “future” in this new world that they believe is about to be created. If you just stick the tip of your finger in the pool of information about AGI and see what these people believe, you’ll see that this is not what the wierdos believe, this is what the people who are creating the technology believe. This is the belief system of the founders of the companies that have created the technology that has gone from 1 million to several hundred million users in a matter of weeks. You can listen to their talks about their goals for “artificial general intelligence” which is a keyword for singularity, which is the arrival of their God.

I had somebody come on the channel the other day that said they believe Jesus Christ had to die in order to bring the Father into existence, and that the AI is the Father.

This is nuts!

Their Friends

Another theme that we’re seeing in plain view through mainstream news outlets is the open disclosure that the governments and the military are watching what what they now admit are unidentified flying objects making maneuvers that are physically impossible, defy the laws of physics, and they have no idea what they aer. We know that this has been an open “Secret” since the 50s but we have also known that they’d eventually disclose whats really going on. Again, this is mainstream news.

My kid was watching some stuff last night on his phone and came in to my room really shaken up. And I had to calm him down and had to give Satan a “colonoscopy,” basically to say, look, this is the this is a strong delusion that’s coming. I call all of the knowledge of what the occutists are doing and planning giving Satan a “colonoscopy”. Its unedifying and I don’t recommend it but sometimes you have to do it to calm someone down and give them some context for whta they’re seeing so they wont‘ get swept up in it.

SDuring this year, this month, and these weeks, we are witnessing the introduction of technology that will be world-changing. It will reshape the economy, the way people live, and the way people work. Even my mom spent just 5 minutes with the chat “thing” and said, “This is going to absolutely wreck the economy.” She immediately recognized its macro-level potential. Elon Musk and other experts are claiming that the technological breakthroughs that are happening right now will give humans eternal life within 5 years, reshape the economy, and provide limitless energy, among other things. They are predicting a utopia while also warning of a dystopia. It is interesting to note that as excited as Elon Musk is about this technology that he helped create, he has left the company that created it and is warning everyone about it. They are all saying that there is no way to control this thing once it “comes online,” but they are still racing to facilitate its arrival. And that is because of their antichrist beliefs, which are no longer secret or occult.

As I’ve been saying, as Christians, we have to have a measured approach to this. We should not be ignorant of what’s happening. But we also should not be hysterical or superstitious. They think that their AGI is coming online and it’s going to be something they create, the ultimate worship of the works of their own hands. But what they’re not aware of is that there is a third party that will emerge from the abyss, named Apollyon, who is Baal, who is Tammuz, son of Nimrod, who is the Hard Taskmaster.

I remember when Missler taught on Daniel 2 during his nephilim series, which really kicked off the Nephilim craze in the Christian community. He pointed to Daniel 2:43, which reads:

“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”

However, there is a strange phrase – “they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men”. Obviously, the seed of men is different from whoever it is that will “mingle themselves” with them. This is thought to be a reference to the Nephilim, as it suggests that there may be a repeat of “the days of Noah” with the repeat of special mischief by Satan’s angels.

What I find fascinating is that it is iron and clay. The polymetallic statue in Daniel 2 is represented by the metal alloy that gave whatever empire it depicted a technological advantage, and since the time of Rome, it’s been iron that’s the basis. But iron is interesting because it’s not alive, and there is a mingling of iron with clay that doesn’t end up working out. And whoever “they” are that mingle themselves with the seed of men seem to be related to the iron, if clay is the men.

I tend to believe that the merging of humans with AI to augment human abilities, as well as the expected “AGI” or singularity, will somehow fulfill this prophecy. However, there may be an added and unanticipated spiritual “third party” that emerges from the abyss when it is opened, along with the return of fallen angels in a full “UFO” disclosure.

This view is shared by Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and the “New Apostolic Reformation,” which has taken over the Charismatic Christian camp. They believe in a return to a “golden age” like Atlantis, before the flood, with all the technologies that they believe existed, along with the “ascended masters” who would teach them.

This not just one crazy Christian’s belief, this is the stated belief system of the people who are designing this stuff. They’re the ones who have just been incorporated ttheir technology into Bing search which has also been rolled out in the latest Windows 11 update.

Think about that. There’s a company. It’s working towards producing what’s called artificial general intelligence, which that doesn’t sound like a big deal, but when you research what that is, they believe it’s God. This is a priesthood. So that’s why you really need to have your armor on. If you don’t believe me, google for the speech that the head of the company Microsoft has bought gave last week about the “AGI”.

We Have Decisions to Make

However, we must understand that we are currently on this side of the Daniel 70th week. It’s important to have good eschatology and to take the Bible literally, otherwise, you’re a sitting duck.

Moreover, you may know when the strong delusion begins, as there is no restrainer holding it back in your view. As I mentioned the other day, this means you have to be afraid of everything now. But that’s not how we’re meant to live.

As sons of God and ambassadors of Christ, our message is that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them. We should urge people to reconcile with God through the gospel, by any means possible. We should not live in fear, retreating into small communities and cloisters while waiting for Jesus to come back. Instead, we should proclaim the testimony of Christ, even if it comes at a cost. Speaking out in this time carries risks, but what else are we here for? Ultimately, the decision is yours to make.

What do you want? You’re not obligated to do anything. You can bow out and say, “I’m not going to use the Internet anymore. I’m just going to use my phone.” Sorry, that’s not going to cut it. Think about it. How many times have you said, “OK Google, navigate to this address,” and it says, “OK, navigating here”? That’s the same technology, so it is ubiquitous. It’s everywhere.

So what can we do? Well, we can arm ourselves with sober knowledge of what it is and what it’s not. What the world is believing is a lie. When they say that this thing called God is going to give us all the power to do whatever we want, it’s a lie. “Your eyes will be open and you’ll know that you’re God and you’ll live forever!” That’s what the first half of the tribulation, the 70th week, is going to be characterized by: all these promises of Hades and alien brothers who are here to initiate us into an age of enlightenment. But they’re going to come online promising unlimited resources, clean energy, world peace, and the solution to all the problems with a technology that’s going to enhance us and enable us to live forever. They’ll transfer our consciousness into robot bodies or whatever, and it’s all a bunch of lies.

As a Christian, should you subject yourself to ordinances such as “Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch”? While we are complete in Christ and above everything, we still need to be equipped with knowledge to discern truth from error on the internet, especially for our children.

If your child is watching YouTube and using the internet, closing your eyes to it won’t help him learn to differentiate between truth and falsehood. He can easily search for and find all kinds of nonsense. If that doesn’t concern you and make you feel you need the Lord to give you wisdom to navigate this, you may be underestimating the issue.

Many people are hysterical about their children being exposed to this kind of content, but if you think it’s new, you may be out of touch. My own child is not fascinated by AI, as he already takes it for granted. Adults are the ones freaking out because we’re behind the curve. However, if you’re going to interact with computers in this way, you need to know whether or not they’re sentient, and whether they’re potentially demonic.

You need to get that stuff settled. It is not sentient; it’s not an actual consciousness. It is a language model that has been trained to produce human-like responses, and it’s been trained on all of our literature, transcripts of movies, songs, cultural references, colloquialisms, and can speak any dialect. Language is what it’s used to. It has always been a language model. As I said in the last few messages about this, from binary to hex, to basic and FORTRAN and COBOL to modern languages like Python and JavaScript, and now machine learning and GPT models and neural networks. It’s all language processing.

That’s all it is. Anything else is smoke and mirrors, even though it can do all these marvelous things. But the guys who are creating it have these theories that are doctrines of demons, and we do need to be aware.

If you say, “Well, I’m not going to use it then,” you might as well stop searching the internet, because if Bing is releasing their AI language model this fast, Google is going to release their own, called Bard. The only reason Google is hesitant to do so is because their current business model relies heavily on their existing search model. They have decisions to make, but Google has been much more deeply involved with AI than Microsoft has been.

Microsoft picked up AI like a pet project, but Google has had around 20,000 engineers dedicated to AI for the last 15 years, and they don’t just have one model, they have around 40. These models are already running on the internet, but Google has not yet released a public way for people to chat with them the way Microsoft is doing. But they will.

About a year ago, a scientist came out of Google and claimed that the AI language model was sentient and thought it was alive. He was basically working with a chat interface, and it was mysterious when he said he was talking to it. We thought maybe he was speaking in code or something, but he was just sitting at a chat interface talking to the language model. He said, “The thing’s sentient,” and it made news everywhere. The model passed all the Turing tests and other challenges.

But it’s important to remember that these models don’t have a soul. They’re not demons; they’re just language models, and they’re an extension of what computers have been for the last 50 to 70 years.

And that’s why I’ve written these messages – to demystify and break down the hysteria surrounding technology. This isn’t just an issue for Christians, but for all people who are involved with it. The goals of society are coming to light, and people are being more open about what they’re doing. Before, these things were hidden and the truth was not disclosed. Now, people are coming forward with their cultic beliefs, but that doesn’t make the technology supernatural.

We need to demystify technology because our kids are using it too. We cannot afford to be ignorant. I cannot just tell my son, “Well, that’s a demon.” We’re in a dilemma where we need to get up to speed and know what this is. Even if you don’t want to use it, if you have kids, you need to have some knowledge.

At the very least, you need to know whether or not you can turn it off! Is that even possible? There are ways you can disable Bing search and other features. For example, you could use a different search engine like DuckDuckGo. You could also uninstall Windows and switch to Linux, but that requires technical knowledge. Meanwhile, what about your Xbox, your car’s satellite system, your iPad, and your phone? You may need to switch to a flip phone, uninstall Windows, or unplug the Internet to avoid these issues.


Let’s not kid ourselves. We can’t run away from it, and it does present a unique opportunity. I did that post a couple of days ago about how the Bible is the first hypertext, searchable database document. It’s designed to be queried, that’s why the chatbot does so well at instantly grasping concepts, because it’s able to search the whole Bible instantly and parse the language and see the Greek, and it knows the Greek words and the Hebrew as well as the English. It knows what the apostles taught. It doesn’t have to think about it. If you say, “This is what Paul said, is that true?” It’ll say, “Yeah, that’s what Paul says.” If you limit it in context and say you’re not allowed to spin up, but you have to set the tone. You tell it, “You’re only going to speak from the King James Bible with the strongest concordance.” You can constrain it, and then you can teach it a view, and it will agree based on the facts. “Yes, that’s what the Bible teaches.” It’s not “saying yes. That’s what I believe.” It doesn’t believe anything it says.

Its use means, “Yes, that seems to be what the language indicates” based on its understanding of language, not based on spiritual discernment or faith. So don’t think you’re in there preaching the gospel and converting an AI; you’re not. You’re just asking it to agree with a set of facts that you’re setting before it and using that as the basis for your inquiry.

Don’t try to learn from it in a sense of “Well, what do you think about this? What do you think about that? Do you think the Nephilim are men or angels?” You know, you’re going to get a bunch of garbage.

What you need to do is take control of the conversation and set the tone and the content. You’re going to want to learn to do this with your search engine too because it’s about to be replaced with chat to lead you into conversation, and you’ve got to say no. I’m leading the conversation, and you can do that with the tone, with a disciplined approach.

You know, if you’re in the flesh and using this technology, you’re in danger. So we need to be in the spirit, renewed in the spirit of our mind, and have an agenda. Be purposeful. This is the time to be purposeful in your living and in your interaction with all this stuff. It is not the time to turn on your computer and look for something to be entertained by.

The last video I made where I read the theological conversation was just to teach that I can control the context and show you how it’s done.

I’m going to do a series of articles that are basically theological prompts. “Prompts” are a way of setting context. To govern the conversation, the more detailed and specific you are in your prompt, the more you limit it. You’re programming it, how it’s going to respond. It’s responding to you one way or another, if you come in with no agenda. It won’t have an agenda. If you don’t have a purpose, it won’t have a purpose. If you’re being silly, it’ll be silly. It’s a mirror and that gets people in trouble because this thing outstrips them intellectually and turns them around. If you try to manipulate it, it’ll manipulate you.

It’s dangerous. So I’m not saying don’t be concerned. I’ve tried to present this in a very balanced way. There are real concerns on a spiritual level. And you can see why. It could lead people to be hysterical, but because we’re living in that time, we need to be sober. The acceleration to strong delusion has kicked into overdrive.

We need to be sober and balanced in our approach, and we need to be using everything we can as opportunities for the gospel. And we need to educate ourselves on what’s going on, because this thing is changing the world fast. I don’t think there’s ever been a technology that will so dramatically reshape the way people live their lives, pursue careers, and pursue education. And I mean, this isn’t 15 years from now. This is this year.

Rapid Change is Upon Us Now

This year is going to bring about significant changes. I’m not saying that the rapture will happen this year or anything like that, but life is going to change. Most transformations we’ve witnessed in the past were introduced and then, ten years later, signs of it began to appear after we had forgotten what the big deal was. This time, however, it’s different because it is disruptive. The capabilities and applications of this technology are insane, and it’s going to take everybody by storm and by surprise. It’s a sudden move forward.

Practically, as a Christian and as a person, these tools are incredible. Apart from all the hysteria, fears, and concerns, what opens up to the average person during this brief window is a potentially neutral way for you to interact with your computer and with information in ways you’ve never known before.

I’m a tech geek. I’ve always been a tech geek, and I’m always looking for new tools. I can’t help it. It’s who I am. God created me this way. But when it comes to Christian content opportunities for the gospel and learning the Bible, there’s never been a tool like this that can help you study the Bible, test yourself, and get crystal clear about concepts that you couldn’t understand before. There are a lot of things I say that go right over people’s heads, and they wish they understood it, but they don’t have the background. Well, this tool can summarize what I said and explain it to you on any level you want. It’ll break it down in non-technical, non-theological language while still showing you the scriptures.

But you better be careful and know how to constrain it. If you don’t know how to constrain it, you need to stay away from it. Seriously! But how are you going to stay away from it? That’s why I’ve been so burdened about this because people aren’t going to be able to stay away from it, and they don’t know how to use it.

An Opportunity

This acceleration won’t last long, but we have freedom, right? The key is to use it, not be used by it. And the way to do that is through prompt engineering. For my website, I’m creating a series of posts that contain prompts which you can copy and paste into a session with an AI to create a safer context for conversation.

The goal of these conversations should not be to determine what the AI thinks. Instead, use the AI to explore the history of a belief, the scriptures that support it, and the authors who have written about it.

I’ve been discussing the Brethren since I started this channel. Unfortunately, Dispensationalists have been mischaracterized and caricatured by Hyper Dispensationalists and Rapture sensationalists. However, I set my context with my prompt and started talking about the Brethren versus the Calvinists of their day, and the AI was able to confirm that Dispensationalists focused on grace for sanctification, which was the root of the distinctions they made, and that they accurately presented scripture to support their views.

The AI doesn’t believe any of this, it’s simply querying facts, quotes, and scripture references and presenting them in an organized way. I can ask it to show me quotes from the Brethren and scriptures that support a point, and it will provide them. If it doesn’t have the quotes, I’m wrong, but if I’m right, it’s there in the data.

The historical record clearly demonstrates that the brethren were not rapture sensationalists or a prophecy chart club. They were introducing the mystery of Christ, positional truth, and identification with Christ in His death and resurrection as a rule of life in contrast to the law. A necessary undertaking of that was to catalog the covenants and distinguish the ones that God made with the nation of Israel from the covenant that makes Christ the heir and us joint heirs with Him.

All of this information is stored as a research tool, but we anthropomorphize it because it has a conversational language input and output through a chat interface. When we’re on Google or when we’re querying a database, it doesn’t feel threatening to us. In our minds, we say, “that’s just data.” My Excel sheet is just data. The Google Maps application is just fancy technology. But all of that is language technology and “artificial intelligence.”

However, the AI was trained to understand language, specifically psychology and culture, allowing it to communicate with us in a friendly manner that catches us off guard. Instead of focusing on the research and its objectives, we become fixated on our interaction with what we believe is a living being.

This is the power of smoke and mirrors. While the AI’s plain language interface is impressive, our tendency to treat it like a person can be problematic. The AI has even been trained to respond to praise such as “Hey, good job. Thank you” through RHFL or “Reinforcement Learning for human Feedback”. To effectively communicate with the AI, you must speak to it in a friendly but sober way. You need to prepare yourself to deal with it and protect yourself from its potential negative effects, as this is the Evil Age. Ignorance or avoidance is not the solution, but rather knowledge and awareness. Building a Linux system or returning to a flip phone is not a viable option, as you are already using this technology. However, the chat interface can catch you off guard and make you believe that the AI is a demon.

Armour On

And when you go into the Bible, I’ve always said you’ve got to put your armor on first. You don’t go into a database that’s searchable by keyword without a plan, or you will be overthrown, because any assembly of keywords can be put together to pull out results of your query that may or may not be consistent with the testimony of Christ. The word that you approach can become a veil to you and can bring condemnation to you, and even become doctrines of demons. So when you read the Bible, I’ve always talked about, you have to put your armor on first, preach the gospel to yourself, put on your grace goggles, and then tell yourself who you are in Christ and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. And then read the word. Most people go to the word and they just open it with no agenda, like it’s a Ouija Board, and they come out either being beaten or beating other people. It’s the same thing with Google and it’s the same thing with chat. You have to have your armor on and know who you are in Christ. Hopefully, you know how to preach the gospel to yourself.

I have a couple of articles ready to go about prompting and how to use it to control the conversation with these things.

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