
christ as our reward

Why do most Christians have the impression that in some measure they can keep the law?

Learn about the purpose of the law and the reality of sin in the flesh to experience true freedom in Christ. Using the law as a “guide for Christian living” waters down its requirements. The Law was given as a diagnosis of man’s condition, not a recommendation for its cure. Legalistic teaching does not put the law in its proper context. We are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone, and it is through Him that we are made righteous, holy, and blameless in the sight of God. To stand before God with a clear conscience and experience the blessings available to justified and regenerated sons and heirs, we must maintain our faith in Christ.

Why do most Christians have the impression that in some measure they can keep the law? Read More »

Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.. What does “according to the scriptures” mean?

Discover the profound truth of the Gospel in this interpretation of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. The Gospel is more than a simple message, as detailed knowledge of it leads to deliverance and empowerment. Christ’s death accomplished much more than just forgiveness of sins, terminating the old Adamic human race, abolishing ordinances against us, and terminating Satan. Gain a greater appreciation for Christ as our righteousness, sanctification, and reward. “According to the Scriptures” means the Gospel unlocks freedom and empowerment. Explore the deeper reservoir of truth about the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow in the Old and New Testaments. Keywords: gospel, Christ, salvation, freedom, righteousness, sanctification.

Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.. What does “according to the scriptures” mean? Read More »

Does the law condemn just the “bad stuff?”

This informative SEO excerpt discusses the Law, sin, Christ, Spirit, condemnation, and resurrection. It explores the purpose of the Law, how it relates to our sinful nature, and its limitations. The Law exposes our need for Christ and teaches us to turn to Him for salvation and spiritual growth. The excerpt emphasizes that relying on the Law to save us or make us better people is not the answer. Instead, we must trust in Christ’s grace and learn to live in the Spirit. The main point is that the Law reveals our sinfulness and need for Christ.

Does the law condemn just the “bad stuff?” Read More »

How can we have assurance that we have Eternal life?

Learn how to have assurance of eternal life through understanding and believing in the Gospel of grace. Key aspects include justification by faith, Christ as our sanctification, and Christ as our reward. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, and the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. Guard your crown and do not be moved away from the Gospel, which does the work of discipleship for us. Trust in God’s love and view of us as heirs and children, and find assurance in Christ’s righteousness, which not only secures our salvation but also gives us confidence and assurance in our relationship with Him.

How can we have assurance that we have Eternal life? Read More »

If we are not going to the Bible looking for rules to obey, what are we looking for?

This informative SEO excerpt discusses the importance of focusing on the Gospel of grace, not rules, for salvation. It emphasizes the significance of Christ as our righteousness, sanctification, and reward, and the importance of justification by faith. The excerpt also highlights the concept of understanding the Gospel as inheritance and living by faith, believing in Jesus and nothing else. The keywords include grace, gospel, righteousness, sanctification, assurance, and inheritance.

If we are not going to the Bible looking for rules to obey, what are we looking for? Read More »

If we can’t keep the law, and we should not pursue law, how do we expect to have righteousness and holiness in our life?

Learn how to obtain righteousness and holiness through faith in Christ, not through your own works of law-keeping. By realizing your inability to keep the law and your need for a savior, you can enjoy the blessing of righteousness and holiness that Christ offers. Christ’s righteousness is imputed to you when you place your faith in Him, and His Spirit becomes your life, sanctification, wisdom, and satisfaction. Focus on Christ as your righteousness, sanctification, and reward, and rely on the power of the Gospel to empower you to live a holy and righteous life through faith in Christ.

If we can’t keep the law, and we should not pursue law, how do we expect to have righteousness and holiness in our life? Read More »


People are rightfully cautious about the technological leap forward represented by the new chat experience with AI. In the last few messages, I discussed the importance of setting the context. A Christian should not go into a chat with an AI that has been trained on the entirety of Google’s index without being aware that


Understanding Dispensationalism: The Importance of Seeing the Difference

ispensationalism is not just about prophecy charts or future events. It is a framework for understanding the distinction between the prophetic program that focuses on Israel and the mystery of Christ as presented by Paul. This distinction especially impacts the believer’s view of sanctification and rewards because when we do not make this distinction, we tend to believe that even though we are justified by faith, our rule of life is law.

Understanding Dispensationalism: The Importance of Seeing the Difference Read More »

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