The Bema Seat: Learn about the New Testament ministry focused on building believers up with Christ Himself, not condemnation. Discover how understanding our inheritance in Christ empowers us to boldly approach God.
The Bema Seat: Learn about the New Testament ministry focused on building believers up with Christ Himself, not condemnation. Discover how understanding our inheritance in Christ empowers us to boldly approach God.
As Christians, we must be diligent in scrutinizing any theological framework that distorts the core truths of the gospel. This FAQ delves into the central issues with Calvinist theology, revealing how it redefines crucial concepts like faith, predestination, and justification – undermining the very essence of salvation by grace through belief in Christ alone.
Through a systematic examination of key points, we’ll uncover the troubling implications of the Calvinist view, which paints God as arbitrary and unjust, while shifting the focus from Christ’s finished work to the believer’s performance. By contrasting this with the biblical perspective, we’ll gain a deeper understanding of the dangers of this closed theological system and the importance of holding fast to the gospel’s liberating message.
Calvinist Theology FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions Read More »
Without allowing for the historical context given to us in Acts and Galatians, which clearly shows us the theological problems that were happening in Jerusalem and what was being taught there erroneously, and treating James’ letter as an apostolic document (he was not an apostle!) rather than a historical/wisdom document that should be included in
The Soteriological Implications of “Another Justification” Read More »