imputed righteousness

How can we know from the scriptures that the patriarchs were justified by faith?

Learn about how the patriarchs were justified by faith alone, without the need for works, in both the book of Romans and Galatians. Even the works they did were simply a sign of their already justified state. This understanding of justification by faith alone is not just for those who lived before the law, but also for those who lived under it. The scriptures make it clear that faith, not works, is the key to righteousness. Discover more about this topic and its relevance to Christians today. Keywords: justification, faith, works, righteousness, Romans, Galatians.

How can we know from the scriptures that the patriarchs were justified by faith? Read More »

How could righteousness have been of faith in the Old Testament when they did works and lived under the law?

Learn about righteousness by faith in the Old Testament and how it was obtained apart from works. Sacrifices and other works were a testimony of the righteousness already obtained by faith, and justification always came through faith apart from works. Works were simply a sign of righteousness, not the means of obtaining it. Faith changes the course of one’s life, and people in the Old Testament lived by a vision in faith. Discover more about this topic and supporting verses in this informative article.

How could righteousness have been of faith in the Old Testament when they did works and lived under the law? Read More »

How does the Bible teach that righteousness has always been by faith apart from works, even in the Old Testament?

Discover how the Bible teaches that righteousness has always been by faith apart from works, even in the Old Testament. The Apostle Paul emphasizes this point in his letters to the Galatians and Romans, citing examples of Old Testament figures who were justified by faith alone, such as Abraham and David. Paul also explains that justification and imputed righteousness come through faith, regardless of whether one is under the Law or not. This truth applies to both the age of the body of Christ and the Patriarchs and fathers, as evidenced by the examples given in Romans 4:23-25. Ultimately, it is faith in Christ that secures right standing with God, never a mix of faith and works.

How does the Bible teach that righteousness has always been by faith apart from works, even in the Old Testament? Read More »

Following Patrick and Calvin’s Path (towards Calvinism and Gnosticism)…

Examining Patrick’s definition of Metanoia, and Calvin’s Calvinistic/Gnostic answer to the question, “how do I know if I “truly believed?” Patrick: Metanoia, a change of heart?! In Patrick L’s message, “True Metanoia, Angels Of Light, And The Full Counsel Of Salvation (FCOS)” he attempts to establish the meaning of the word Metanoia as a “heart

Following Patrick and Calvin’s Path (towards Calvinism and Gnosticism)… Read More »

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