Commonly Misused Terms (by Legalists) Clarified

 Traditional, legalistic concept: 

Based primarily on Synoptic Gospels, a Pre/Cross – Pre/Resurrection instruction consists of “following” Jesus according to outward commandments and instruction (Since He was not in them as their life.) Presented as arduous, burdensome, and absolute. Forsake all to follow Him. Taking up your cross is considered to be a matter of suffering and endurance.

Proper Concept:
Based on whole counsel of Gods word.. God has baptized us into the death of Christ and raised us up together with Him. We are members of His body. Based on our union with Him that God has established, we are to “abide in Him,” and His “word is to abide in us.” Then we will bear fruit and show to be His disciples. The fruit of this discipleship Is the manifestation of His Spirit, supplied by the word through the hearing of faith, not the result of our effort. In this discipleship, we grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and are liberated from our burden. We grow in the knowledge of the truth, and the truth makes us free. As we learn to be found in Christ (not having our own righteousness which is out of the law) and are “conformed to His death” by seeing our death to sin and to the law, we realize the burden is on Him, and by faith He can make His home in our heart so that He can become the reality of our life.


Proper concept:

God only disciplines for our good, out of His wisdom. While it is unpleasant, it bears the peaceable fruits of righteousness to those who are exercised by it. Since every son whom God receives is a partaker of the discipline, we are encouraged not to grow weary or faint under discipline but to be strengthened under it. Discipline is a TRAINING through environments that exercises our senses and trains them to know Good and evil. The goal is that we would partake of Christ in all things, that we would learn to trust in Him and not ourselves and lean on Him and not our own strength.

Church Fellowship:

Traditional, legalistic concept:

Come and listen to one man speak, who teaches a mix of law and grace. Listen to what he tells you to do to learn to be a good disciple and obey the commandments. If you don’t, you are likely robbing God (of your tithe), you are “disobeying” and forsaking the assembly, and God will likely discipline you. You will go “wild,” and chances are God will have to “Discipline” you and possibly even kill you. Stick around our “church,” and you can get “plugged in.” There are “opportunities” for you to give and serve in the parking lot, the children’s ministry, the worship team, and serving coffee and ushering.

Proper concept:

We are members of the Body of Christ, and when we come together, each one “has. ” We should all function together for the building up and edification of the body of Christ, and there should not be a practice of a professional clergy lording it over the flock and replacing the function of the members. There are elders and deacons who are invested in caring for the saints. The proof of their ministry: the saints know how to confidently stand in the presence or God and grace (they are not fearing God is going to “kill them”, they’re not condemned under a law-based concept of obedience. They they know how to walk in the Spirit and their hearts are full of thanksgiving). Saints are also equipped to speak the word of grace and be able to function and shepherd saints. They are not just explaining the “milk” – “how to go to heaven.” They know how to help each other stand confidently in grace in Christ and not be carried off by the winds of doctrine that come from the wolves and the hirelings behind the pulpits in the modern churches!


Traditional, Legalistic Concept:

Be a Good disciple so that you don’t have to be disciplined. Go to Church. Go to Church so that you can be disciplined, but be a good disciple at the Church, so they don’t have to discipline you. Await further instructions at Church. They will tell you which commandments to obey. Above all, make sure you find a good Pastor.

Proper concept:

Stand fast in the liberty that you have in Christ. Don’t’ let anyone steal your crown. You are complete in Christ. You have been baptized into His death. You died to sin and the law. Neither has the right to make a demand on you. Now Christ wants to be your life. The mystery of the faith is Christ in you, and the goal of the Christian life is the manifestation of Christ in you. You are to hold this mystery in good conscience. Build yourself up in the faith by enjoying the word of grace. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly until your heart overflows with thanksgiving. Separate yourself from the vessels of dishonor and the vain jangling law teachers who defile the house of God and seek the Lord with those who call upon Him from out of a pure heart. Let the Lord bring you into fellowship with others who are seeking the pasture and the rest of God and hear the voice of the Shepherd. Be willing to suffer outside the camp, bearing His reproach. They will persecute you and say you are looking for a license to sin, but it is your glory. Fear not, little flock; it is Your Father’s Good Pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

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