
Soteriological implicaitons of “another justification”

Without allowing for the historical context given to us in Acts and Galatians, which clearly shows us the theological problems that were happening in Jerusalem and what was being taught there erroneously, and treating James’ letter as an apostolic document (he was not an apostle!) rather than a historical/wisdom document that should be included in […]

Soteriological implicaitons of “another justification” Read More »

Hebrews – Msg #19 “Confidence from Edification – the Building of the House”

I. Introduction A. Teaching on Hebrews B. Outlines available on the website II. The Davidic Covenant and the House of God (2 Sam 7:12-13) A. Christ as builder of the house of God (Heb 3:3-6) B. Building of God and man together (John 14:1-23) C. The Word of abode (John 14:2-3) III. Warning Against Neglecting

Hebrews – Msg #19 “Confidence from Edification – the Building of the House” Read More »

Hebrews – Msg #25 “The Training of Christ (and us)”

This was a difficult one to outline. In this message we talk about the high priesthood of Christ with a focus on His training through His sufferings in His humanity to be able to be sympathetic, compassionate and a present help to us as our High Priest. Outline I. Christ’s Obedience and Faith Through Suffering

Hebrews – Msg #25 “The Training of Christ (and us)” Read More »

What is the “new commandment” that John talks about in his epistles?

Learn about Satan’s opposition to God’s plan for forgiveness and justification in the book of John’s epistles. Satan accuses us and cries out for judgment, but through Christ, we can find freedom in righteousness. Discover how Satan believes it is not just or righteous for God to forgive mankind and opposes God’s method of forgiving and justifying sinners. Trust in God’s plan and find true freedom in Christ. Keywords include assurance of salvation, bondage, Christ, condemnation, freedom in Christ, and righteousness.

What is the “new commandment” that John talks about in his epistles? Read More »

What is the Galatian error?

Learn about the Galatian Error in Christianity, which refers to a mixture of law and grace that emphasizes obedience to the law rather than trusting in Christ’s righteousness and justification by faith. The book of Galatians serves as both a warning against legalism and a defense of justification by faith. Characteristics of “Galatianized” Christianity include an emphasis on following rules and a de-emphasis on trusting in Christ’s righteousness. Examples of “Galatianized” Christianity include tithing and being a disciple in the sense of the synoptic Gospels. It is important to understand the dangers of legalism and the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice for true freedom in Christ.

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What is the righteousness of the law?

Learn about the righteousness of the law and its purpose in exposing sin and leading humans to faith in Christ. While the law is holy and good, it cannot correct the problem of sin, only point us to the reality of righteousness found in Christ. The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 is actually the law of Moses, focused on the 9th commandment, “thou shalt not covet.” Christ is the righteousness that exceeds that of the Pharisees and Saducees, and through His redemptive work, we are justified and made heirs of the kingdom. The Law serves as a magnifying glass for sin, but ultimately, God’s desire is for us to turn to faith in Christ.

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What is true discipleship?

True discipleship involves abiding in the Gospel and allowing it to work in and through us. It is not about following a legalistic set of rules, but rather about understanding and trusting in Christ as our righteousness, sanctification, and reward. Loving one another and recognizing our fellow believers as sons and daughters of God is also a crucial aspect of true discipleship. The Gospel is the source and foundation of true discipleship, and through it, we bear fruit and become fully assured in our relationship with Christ. By abiding in Him, we allow Him to settle down and make His home in our hearts, and we become part of Him, “bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh.” (John 4:14, John 7:37-38, John 8:32, 1 Corinthians 12:27)

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Why do most Christians have the impression that in some measure they can keep the law?

Learn about the purpose of the law and the reality of sin in the flesh to experience true freedom in Christ. Using the law as a “guide for Christian living” waters down its requirements. The Law was given as a diagnosis of man’s condition, not a recommendation for its cure. Legalistic teaching does not put the law in its proper context. We are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone, and it is through Him that we are made righteous, holy, and blameless in the sight of God. To stand before God with a clear conscience and experience the blessings available to justified and regenerated sons and heirs, we must maintain our faith in Christ.

Why do most Christians have the impression that in some measure they can keep the law? Read More »

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