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The Grace Essentials Bundle: Four Key Books on Christ-Centered Living(Paperback)

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Four Transformative Books on Grace: Revolutionize Your Understanding of the Christian Life

Experience the power of grace through four carefully curated books that will change the way you live your Christian faith. This collection is designed to deepen your understanding and enrich your spiritual journey:

    NOTE: If you are not a resident of the United States, please email me: [email protected]and I’ll give you instructions how to obtain these.

  • Holiness from Assurance
    Discover how genuine holiness flows naturally from resting in your acceptance in Christ, not from striving to earn it.
  • Christ as Satisfaction
    Experience the profound truth that Christ Himself is the answer to both your deepest longings and God’s highest desires.
  • Progressive Revelation and Paul’s Gospel
    Unlock the mysteries of grace revealed through Paul’s unique apostolic ministry.
  • Rewards and Service in Grace
    Break free from performance-based living and discover how rewards work in God’s system of grace.

Together, these books provide a comprehensive foundation for understanding how grace transforms every aspect of the Christian life. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why trying to achieve holiness through self-effort actually undermines true spiritual growth.
  • How Christ Himself is our sanctification, satisfaction, and reward.
  • The revolutionary difference between living under law versus grace.
  • How assurance of God’s love produces genuine holiness.
  • Why mixing law and grace diminishes our experience of Christ.

Perfect for both personal study and small group discussion, this bundle will help you:

  • Move from religious striving to restful confidence in Christ’s finished work.
  • Experience the freedom that comes from understanding your complete acceptance in Christ.
  • Learn to serve from a place of security rather than fear.

Regular combined Price: $45
Bundle Price: [$30] 

Save [ 33.33%]% when purchasing these transformative teachings as a bundle!

Christ as Satisfaction - The Reality of Sanctification PAPERBACK


Christ is really the whole Christian life. That's God's intention. God wants Christ to be our life. The "proper" Christian life is a manifestation of Christ. He is the answer to all of your desires. He is also the answer to all of God’s desires! He is here to quench our thirst. "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness. They shall be filled” (Mt 5:6).

But how are they filled? Christ is the filling! Yes, I hunger and thirst for righteousness, but if I pursue something other than Christ as a substitute, I'm still thirsty. Institutional Churches teach that if we sin, God will punish us, and the pastors believe that Christians sin because they want to. That is not the case!

The teaching that Christ is our satisfaction, especially in John, makes everything so simple. He's our food. He is our drink. He's the bread from heaven. He's the living water. He's the oil, and He's the wine. He's the riches of the good land. He's the milk and the honey and the fat and everything. He's here to be your satisfaction and if you drink of Him, you won't thirst.

Holiness From Assurance (Not the Other Way Around!) - Paperback!


Unfortunately, most Christians are taught that they cannot have peace with God, a blessed Christian life, or assurance that they are pleasing to Him unless they are "holy" in behavior.  The prevailing notion is that holy behavior is the path to peace and blessings. Knowing we have peace with God, and are blessed, is called "assurance." The scripture tells us that assurance does not come as a result of holy behavior, but is the source of holiness!  As we become assured through the doctrine of Christ that we already have peace with God, are blessed, and are pleasing to Him because of Christ, holiness results!

Assurance is absolute confidence concerning what God has said about who we are in Christ and what He’s accomplished for us. When we become fully assured of our standing before Him, we become bold and confident to approach Him.  This boldness is not because we have seen something in ourselves to commend ourselves to God, but because God has already accepted us based on the Person and work of Christ.

This short book explores the topic.

Progressive Revelation and Paul's Gospel (Fundamental Bible Series book 1) - PAPERBACK

This book is a 5x8 and is about 110 pages with 14 point font (slightly larger font, easy on the eyes!)  I can usually get these shipped to your doorstep within a couple of days.


Progressive Revelation and Paul's Gospel" is a short book that emphasizes the importance of understanding the principle of progressive revelation in biblical interpretation. Lack of this undersatnding and lack of appreciation for the significance of Paul's teachings by default results in attempts to synchronize law with grace throughout the entirety of the Christian life. The content of the revelation given to Paul is seen as authoritative because it was imparted to him by the ascended Christ and contains mysteries once hidden, revealing Christ as the embodiment of God and the church as the mystery of Christ.

Some of the contents of the book include:

  • The concept of progressive revelation and its importance in understanding the scriptures
  • The supernatural design of the Bible and its interactive meaning
  • Examples of divine revelation unfolding gradually over time, such as with Cain and Abel, the Seed of the Woman, and the Shedding of Blood
  • The significance of "Paul's" gospel and the mysteries revealed through it
  •  Solid doctrinal grounding for believers to have confidence in every area of their life and to see Christ as their righteousness, sanctification, and reward.

This comes with two electronic editions that you can use on your device while you wait for your book to arrive.  the EPUB can be used with kindle and there are instructions on the first page how to email this to your kindle device.

Rewards and Service in Grace - Paperback

When a teacher puts forth works in place of Christ, for any matter, be it justification, sanctification, or reward - that teacher will ultimately damage the conscience of believers. In doing this, a believer shuts the door to their present enjoyment of the Kingdom.

The issue comes when you attach rewards to a wage system and use them to threaten believers with punishments for sins that were dealt with at the cross of Christ. Bad teaching on rewards produces an accursed Gospel.

In the Bible, there are two separate systems presented: the system of works, and the system of grace. While they are presented, only one is "legitimate" and offers justification and blessing. Most believers live caught between the two systems, believing that justification is by grace, but the blessing and the reward are by works. Seeing how rewards work in the system of grace is crucial if we are going to live free in Christ and actually participate in God's great work as friends and stewards of His riches.


Minimum Price: $30.00

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The Grace Essentials Bundle: Four Key Books on Christ-Centered Living(Paperback)
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