Hebrews – Shepherded into Rest – Paperback Shipped to You

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Because I’m not a volume seller and have to order/ship these at cost to myself, The price is set at 25 which includes my price for printing and shipping. For a paperbook I feel this is high, but the only way I’d be able to do it cheaper would be to sell high volume and my youtube channel is my “market” right now. I appreciate all of the support and pray it blesses you. Looking forward to being able to print more books that will be a blessing to friends and family as well.

Note: While you’re waiting for your book to ship, you can read the ebook which will be given to you in a link upon purchase. You can share the ebook freely with anyone.



Minimum Price: $25.00

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About the Book

Hebrews: Shepherded into Rest:

This book like no other reveals the Heavenly Ministry of Christ for the church to bring the many sons of God into glory. It shows us our security in Christ and places the entirety of the burden of keeping us, from start to finish, in Christ’s hands.

Hebrews teaches us that Jesus Christ has taken full responsibility to bring us into glory as the Captain of our Salvation. He is the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, our Representative in Heaven and the Maintainer of our life on earth. He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith. He our Surety to guarantee that we will come into our inheritance, and He is the “Executor of the will” – the Testator of the estate of which He has made us heirs. He is the High Priest after the order of Melchizedek to dispense His life into us.  By the working of His life in us, He is bringing us into a place where we match Him in glory. Hebrews offers a unique perspective of how completely Christ is invested in us, not just in His work in death and resurrection but also in His life as our High Priest.

His life on earth and His death and resurrection qualified Him for a ministry that is uniquely revealed in this book. Without the book of Hebrews, we would not see the details of this role.

This is a 447 page paperback.


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Hebrews – Shepherded into Rest – Paperback Shipped to You
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