This effort represents hundreds of hours of work.
Download will include a PDF and an EPUB version of the book which you should be able to read on all devices. Also, the cover art is a painting by friend Brittany Mason, and it will be a separate download.
Colossians: How God Makes Christ To Be Everything To Us:
- Introduction
- Seeing the Will of God
- Regeneration Qualified Us, Redemption Transferred Us
- Christ Created It, Now He Wants to Fill it!
- God Is Reconciling all Things, You First!
- The New Testament Ministry and God’s Dispensation
- Ministry Unto the Assurance that Christ is Everything
- You Started Complete in Christ, Don’t Be Carried Off as Spoil
- The Cutting off of Your Religious Strength
- Not Being Beguiled Of Your Reward By False Teaching
- Intro To God’s Heart with Christ As The Center
- Mortifying Members and Putting On the New Man
- Putting On Virtues Through Renewal
- The Culture of the New Man On Display
- A Member of the New Man Writing to its Constituents
Colossians is about the trajectory of the Life that we’ve received as members of the body of Christ. This life is now operating in us to “head us up” in Christ. What that means is that Christ becomes everything to us just as He is already everything to God.
Colossians is really a book that reveals the centrality of Christ in God’s heart and in His purpose and program. In Colossians, Christ becomes everything to us. That’s the goal of a Christian life. It’s to be headed up in Christ so that Christ is everything. I believe that in Colossians we’ll see Christ as everything. Somebody said that the whole universe will be shocked one day when God pulls back the veil and we see how central Christ is to God and how God is entirely focused on Christ. He’s not dealing with us individually apart from Christ. He deals with us in Christ as members of Christ, with Christ as the center!