1 John Decoded: Exposing Antichrists Right Under Their Noses (Paperback shipped to you!)

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1 John Decoded

I believe that 1 John was written in “code” to protect the believers from further persecution from the antichrists in their midst while clearly identifying them right under their noses. The whole assembly would have read the letter, including the antichrists, and John (by the Holy Spirit) was careful to craft it in a way to expose the darkness while protecting those who had the testimony!

Cain and Abel are the “keys” to “deciphering” the book of 1 John. Once this is understood, everything unfolds quite nicely and the believers have the “last laugh!”

Self-justified people would not identify themselves with Cain, because they do not understand why Cain was rejected in the first place! They would agree wholeheartedly with the letter, identifying themselves as the people that “practiced righteousness” and “kept the commandments.” They would believe those who “walked in darkness” and did not practice “righteousness” and were “of the devil” were those “greasy grace believers that are looking for a license to sin.” They may even say “finally, this John guy is speaking some sense!”

How do we know this? Because this is precisely how legalistic Bible readers who are enemies of the Gospel interpret this letter today!

Meanwhile, this epistle encourages believers we can know we have Eternal Life. He tells us how to know we are born of God. The testimony of Jesus Christ proves that we have the witness of the Spirit. We should not be surprised that the world hates us, and these legalists who reject the doctrine of Christ and insist on works of righteousness (like Cain) are of the world

3 reviews for 1 John Decoded: Exposing Antichrists Right Under Their Noses (Paperback shipped to you!)

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  1. I’m relatively new to the faith in Christ. Never have been part of a church or community, but God gave me your channel a year ago and I’ve watched all your videos and read all of your books. I’m so thankful for this! The riches of His grace is measureless. Thank you, brother David! Your perspective of 1 John helped me to distinguish the difference between believers and unbelievers. It also made me confident that I’m a daughter of God, made me confident that God knows me and that I’m in the light, Jesus is my advocate, I’m safe in Him, that I may have confidence in the day of Judgement and assured conscience before God so to be able to be bold when the Lord comes. I live in a very small and poor country of Eastern Europe, called Bulgaria and here I don’t meet people with such a faith. So I don’t have with whom to talk about Jesus, but don’t feel alone. Thank God, who gave me your channel and your community! You’ve done so much for my faith without even know it! Thank you again!

  2. I haven’t finished reading the whole book yet, I’m still in the beginning of the book. Haven’t had any time to get into, but what I read so far as been very helpful. Seeing that walking in the light, and having fellowship with God is not based on my works (continually confessing my sins), but by the acknowledgment of the truth. Acknowledging my condition before God, that I am a sinner, and also acknowledging all the good things that are true of me in Christ. I believe, and thank the Father for the blood of His Son Jesus Christ that cleanseth me from all sin

  3. Very insightful and a fresh way to look at 1john in light of the Gospel.

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1 John Decoded: Exposing Antichrists Right Under Their Noses (Paperback shipped to you!)
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