I will be making books available here to read online. Online Version features verse references with lookups. (just hover: John 3:16)
Donations are appreciated but all resources are free!
Three Messages On God’s Eternal Purpose and Economy
Paul introduces us to unique language and phrases such as “God’s Eternal Purpose”, “the Mystery of Christ”, “The Fellowship of the Mystery” and the “Unsearchable Riches of Christ”. Understanding these phrases gives us the ability to understand God’s heart’s desire concerning the Church and how He is carrying out the “Good Pleasure of His Will”.
This understanding dramatically uplifts our vision of the Christian Life, New Testment Ministry and Fellowship as and allows us to have a fuller vision regarding the glorious position to which we’ve been called!
Important Distinctions Between the New Testament and New Covenant
99% of Christians today believe that we are under the New Covenant, which is for the house of Israel. This is the source of much confusion and legalism in the Body of Christ, because it sets up the expectation for a spirituality that is not available in this age. Instead of a Covenant, we have an Inhertiance, which is distributed by Stewards of the Ministry of the New Testament. This ministry, its contents and the spiritual life it produces is much richer and more glorious (though hidden) than what will be produced by the New Covenant during the Millenium.
Philippians: Christ as Satisfaction and Salvation
Philippians is a book that is typically handled in a religious way, as if it is Paul’s advise on how to have a “good attitude.” We need to approach this book from a fresh perspective taking Christ as the center and focus. Paul’s intention is to reveal Christ as our joy. Knowing Christ in this way saves us from religion!
The Following Titles are available as downloadable Ebooks that can be read on your Phone, desktop or Tablet or kindle. Donations are appreciated but all resources are free. To obtain a resource for free just set your price to $0.
- Preaching the Gospel To Myself -Devotional Volume 2-EBOOKSuggested Price: $8.00
- Let it Burn – EbookSuggested Price: $8.00
- James Trouble-EbookSuggested Price: $12.00
- Genesis Vol 1 – Fall from Rest, Call to Rest – EBOOKSuggested Price: $8.00
- Galatians Companion Guide – ebookSuggested Price: $13.00
- Preaching the Gospel to Myself – Vol 1 – Devotional EBOOKSuggested Price: $10.00
- Progressive Revelation and Paul’s Gospel (Fundamental Bible Series book 1) – EBOOKSuggested Price: $12.00
- Two Mountains, Four Views – Law and Grace Contrasted-EBOOKSuggested Price: $12.00
- Christ As Righteousness Sanctification and Reward-EBOOKSuggested Price: $12.00