How is our death with Christ a liberation from burden?

How is Our Death with Christ a Liberation from Burden

Our death with Christ is a liberation from the burden of trying to earn righteousness through keeping the law. We died to the law through being joined to Christ in His death, and we were freed from the demands of the law and the sin nature. We are no longer obligated to live by the flesh, but by faith in Christ who lives in us. This is a new kind of life, one that is empowered by the spirit and not by the flesh. It is a life of freedom from the burden of trying to earn righteousness through our own efforts, and instead, we can trust in Christ’s righteousness that has been imputed to us through faith. This liberation from the burden of the law results in a life of joy, peace, and assurance in our relationship with God, as we run to the Bema seat without fear or condemnation.

I. Our Death with Christ Liberates Us from Trying to Earn Righteousness through the Law

  • A. We become free from the demands of the law through the knowledge of Christ. (Romans 7:1-6)
  • B. We are no longer obligated to live by the flesh, but by faith in Christ (Galatians 2:19-20)

II. This New Life Is Empowered by the Spirit, Not the Flesh

  • A. We are free from the burden of trying to earn righteousness through our own efforts (Romans 8:1-4)
  • B. We can trust in Christ’s righteousness imputed to us through faith (Philippians 3:9)

III. This Liberation Results in a Life of Joy, Peace, and Assurance in Our Relationship with God

  • A. We can run to the Bema seat without fear or condemnation (2 Corinthians 5:10)
  • B. We have a new life of freedom in Christ (Galatians 5:1)

Keywords: freedom from law, freedom in Christ, grace, law, liberty, righteousness

I. Our death with Christ liberates us from trying to earn righteousness through the law

  • A. We become free from the demands of the law and sin nature (Romans 7:4-6)
  • B. We are no longer obligated to live by the flesh, but by faith in Christ (Galatians 2:19-20)

II. This new life is empowered by the spirit, not the flesh

  • A. We are free from the burden of trying to earn righteousness through our own efforts (Romans 8:1-4)
  • B. We can trust in Christ’s righteousness imputed to us through faith (Philippians 3:9)

III. This liberation from the burden of the law results in a life of joy, peace, and assurance in our relationship with God

  • A. We can run to the Bema seat without fear or condemnation (2 Corinthians 5:10)
  • B. We have a new kind of life, one that is empowered by the spirit and not by the flesh (Romans 8:5-11)


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