Book is almost done.

. I hope to be done in a week. I’m exited about this one because there’s really interesting comparisons and contrasts that lend themselves to visuals. I’ve attached a couple of tables breaking down the contrasts between law and grace as presented in the two mirrors (James and 2 Cor 3), and the two mountains from Gal 4. (Sinai representing law and Zion representing grace).

The book explores the objective atmospheres of these mountains as the sources of all behaviors and feelings associated with them, drawing on Hebrews 12.

From Galatians 4, we dive into the allegory of Hagar/Ishmael and Sarah/Isaac to understand the behaviors and attitudes that are driven by these atmospheres. Then, in Romans 7 and 8, we gain insight into the real inward emotional state of a person who needs to make a turn from Mount Sinai (law) to Zion (grace).

Finally, in 2 Corinthians 3, we get a glimpse of what’s happening on the inside from the perspective of God’s work in Christ as He reveals Himself to us once we’ve turned to be “unveiled” from the law to behold His face. We also examine the contrast between the kind of ministry produced from the self-deceived Sinai dwellers and the authentic New Testament ministry that manifests as a treasure in an earthen vessel of one who is firmly rooted in Zion. I’m confident that readers who grasp the insights in this book will gain a full picture of the difference between law and grace, and how to turn from one to the other. Look out for its release (Lord willing) in the next week or two!

1 thought on “Book is almost done.”

  1. Good morning David
    I finished reading the books (Romans and Hebrews) there are a lot of golden nuggets in those two books, thank you for adding your personal experiences in the books it really helps to understand the passages better. Thanks for keeping your hand to the plow.

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